vbooter.org Free Instant Website Report

vBooter - #1 Free Professional WebBased Server Stresser

Our suggestions for vbooter.org

  • Check the 10 keywords driving more traffic to your website
  • We've found 2 recommendations for your website optimization
  • 3 websites link back to your website
  • We've got 10 main competitors for your website
  • You website does not have any PageRank yet
  • We have found 171 mentions of your website in social media sites

Report generated on April 19, 2015 using United States as target country

Improve your website

3 Analyzed pages from your website

We have made a short analysis of your 3 main website pages and these are some tasks we recommend you to review.

  • Create a fast loading website

    Your home page takes less than 2 seconds to load. That's great, you've got a fast loading website. Make sure that your website always loads as quickly as possible in order to get better rankings.

  • The web addresses of your website must be descriptive

    Well done! The pages we analyzed look descriptive.

  • Fix duplicate webpage titles on your website

    Congrats! We have found no duplicate page titles. Always make sure to use unique titles for your webpages. This way they describe each page individually and don't compete with each other for keyword rank targeting.

  • Avoid incorrect page title lengths

    Well done! All page title lengths seems correct.

  • Fix your meta descriptions tags

    We have found 2 pages with missing meta description tags. Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings, are very important in gaining more visits from search engine result pages and social media sites like Facebook.

  • Avoid having too many outbound links on any given webpage

    Great! All pages show a right amount of outbound links.

  • Include alternative text in linked images

    We have found out that 11% of the linked images does not contains alternative text. The 'alt' attribute for images is part of the code of your web and it serves to give more information about the link associated to the image. It's important that this attribute appears in the images with links in your web.

Learn how to solve these issues and gain access to more than 200 recommendations for your website

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Your best performing keywords

2 Keywords in first position in Google

We've found these are the keywords that send more visits to your website. See how well you rank for them in Google and how many times people search for them.

Website traffic source by keyword Rank in Google Monthly searches
free booters 1 480
booter 5 3,600
free ddoser 1 320
ip booter 4 1,600
booters 3 1,000
stresser 8 1,900
free ddos 3 320
ddos booter 7 480
host booter 5 320
free host booter 3 140

Take control of your keyword rankings

Try MarketGoo Monitor now!

How popular is your website?

19 Incoming links are coming from 3 different websites

Your website popularity is measured by summing the number of links your web receives from other websites. Increasing the number of quality links is an important way to improve your website results.

Main websites linking back to vbooter.org

Your website competitors

+10 Potential competitors

These are the websites competing with yours in search engines. We show the ones your website appears more times when users are searching the Internet.

Competitor website Total # of keywords they rank for Common keywords
destressbooter.com 31 18
titaniumstresser.net 25 14
quantumbooter.net 4 5
booter.xyz 5 5
www.safeskyhacks.com 114 23
gethostbooters.wordpress.com 6 5
realnerdherd.com 18 8
www.hackbulletin.com 9 5
www.incapsula.com 635 10
leakforums.org 576 9

Know more about your competitors and beat them!

Try MarketGoo Evolution now!


0 Google PageRank

Google uses the PageRank value of your web as a sign of relevance.


NO Your website does NOT appear in DMOZ

DMOZ is the most important directory in the Internet. Therefore, it's crucial that your website appears in it.

Alexa Ranking

374,621 Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa Traffic Rank measures the value of popularity of your web as compared to the rest of the Internet. Learn more

Your Web vs. Competitors

  PageRank DMOZ Alexa Ranking
vbooter.org 0 No 374,621
destressbooter.com 0 No 2,789,595
titaniumstresser.net 0 No 339,662
quantumbooter.net 0 No 892,487


139 Facebook Share

Number of times your website has been shared.


25 Facebook Likes

Number of 'likes' received by your website.


7 Twitter Mentions

Number of Twitter Mentions of your website.


0 Google+ +1's

Number of times your website has been shared in Google+.

Your Web vs. Competitors

  Share Likes Twitter Google+
vbooter.org 139 25 7 0
destressbooter.com 28 6 9 5
titaniumstresser.net 97 3 16 0
quantumbooter.net 33 4 18 0

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